
About Sparda's Family

Two pictures that show Sparda's family over the years. It's stated from the character creator of the Devil May Cry one, Makoto Tsuchibayashi that Sparda was well known as a count; to all humans.

He was a wealthy man, with a huge manor and therefore little is known about his human wife Eva. She was a beautiful woman who gave birth to his two twin sons, Vergil and Dante. They seemed to be happy together, but Sparda would always leave his family from time to time, leaving them unprotected.  
As it is shown in the official family pictures, the whole family seem to like dressing in expensive outfits and their surroundings shows that they have a sympathy for the Victorian/Gothic furniture.
I would like to believe that Sparda with his wife Eva would ran charities and help the ones in need.

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